Monday, 22 April 2013

The Bottom Line Issue

Hi friends

You know I take eco bags to super markets. It doesn’t mean I am fighting for the planet.  I just don’t want to be seen walking with those cheapie plastic bags.

Also, I use lots of bio products such as washing up liquid and cleaning stuff.  I choose those products simply because they make less harm to my skin. I always buy free range chickens and eggs. I am not an animal rights activist or such but God knows what those squashed chickens have become in a horrible cage before they end up in my shopping basket!

After all, I am a selfish shallow so-and-so, but I believe that looking after ourselves creates responsible attitudes towards what we buy and ultimately towards the society and the environment.

Anyway, this is the pack of toilet rolls I always buy.

I once bought “Eco Andrex” – it is the recycled paper version of them.
It was cheaper than other Andrex toilet rolls. Cheap products don’t always win my heart, but when they come with the words such as “new” and “limited edition”, suddenly they look so attractive. I am such an easy target for marketers.

Off course I bought those eco rolls as they were new but did not like them at all. They were coarse.

As I was due to fly to Germany and spend 5 days there, I was busy with some preparation at that time. Certainly no time to go shopping only for toilet rolls. I had to bear with eco rolls for days, then, went to Germany.

In Germany, the hotel was comfortable and pleasant but their toilet rolls must have been those bloody eco rolls. They were coarse.

To cut a long story short, I got rash on my butt!!

To make things even sadder, I had to go to a chemist to get babies’ nappy cream for that. Do you know any women in their 40s putting nappy cream on their butts? Here’s one for you.

Although nappy cream completely destroyed the pride of the grown up woman, it worked brilliantly and my butt was nicely restored and became softer again.

Eco toilet rolls were 20 pence cheaper than normal rolls but nappy cream cost me £4.99 and my pride & dignity……
Ladies and gentlemen, there is something I learnt from this.

I shan’t touch those damn eco things ever again!!